한영협회의 연례행사의 하나인 2022 영어토론회를 11월4~5일에 개최합니다. (https://www.kbsdebate.org/)
Established in 1947, the Korea Britain Society (KBS) is a friendly association open to any individual with an interest in promotion bilateral relations between Korea and Britain.
The annual KBS Debate celebrates the traditions and values of free speech, constructive exchange of ideas and mutual understanding.
This year, the competition is hosted in partnership with Korea Intervarsity Debate Association, a representative body of Korean university students that engage in English-language parliamentary debate.
Among the adjudicators of the Final Debate will be the honorary president of KBS, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Colin Crooks LVO.
AWARDS • Winning Team - KRW 500,000 • Runner-Up Team - KRW 200,000 • Best Individual Speaker - Hotel Voucher
All awardees will also be invited to an afternoon tea with the British Ambassador.
<Schedule> 4 November - TBD Preliminary Rounds (if required) @ British Embassy Seoul or Online
5 November 13:00-15:30 Semi-Final Debates 16:00-17:45 Final Debate Awards Ceremony @ Aston Hall, British Embassy Seoul