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제목 [] 2017년9월14일 주한영국상공회의소 조찬 포럼 내용을 공유합니다. 날짜 2017.09.21 01:29
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 1160/0
주한영국상공회의소 조찬 포럼 / BCCK Breakfast Forum

주제: '문재인 정부의 경제 정책이 한국 경제와 시장에 끼치는 영향'
Moon's Economic Policy: Impact on Korea's Economic and Financial Markets



On September 14, the BCCK will host a Breakfast Forum focused on providing an insight on newly elected President Moon’s economic policy and the impact it will bring to Korea’s economic and financial markets. The Forum will be moderated by Bryan Harris, Seoul Bureau Chief for the Financial Times and include a presentation and discussion from Chonghoon Park, Head of Research, Standard Chartered Bank Korea and ByoungJoo Kim, PhD, Chief Executive Partner from Kim, Lee & Partners (KL&P). This event will explore:

1.      Macro outlook of US, China, EU and Korea;

2.      Financial market forecast : FX, rates and commodity;  

3.      Global geopolitical issues and their impact on financial markets;  

4.      North Korea and regional geopolitical concerns;

5.      Korean government’s planned departure from nuclear energy (intentions, policy direction, impact on nuclear energy exports, alternatives);

6.      The Moon Government's First Four Months: Overview : Moon's Key Policy Agenda & Style of Governing So Far; Case 1) North Korea - Dialogue vs. Deterrence; Case 2) Energy Policy - Nuclear vs. Renewable




               ChongHoon Park                                                                 ByoungJoo Kim


ChongHoon Park, Head of Research, Standard Chartered Bank Korea


Chong Hoon joined Standard Chartered Korea in 2009 and currently heads their Korea research team. He provides in-depth analysis on the Korean economy to Standard Chartered Bank clients and at business functions.

He worked as a senior research fellow/ head of telecommunication policy at Korea Information Society Development Institute (KISDI) for six years and as the Executive Vice President at SK Broadband (former Hanaro Telecom) for four years in Seoul. Chong Hoon has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a researcher and strategist. He completed his doctorate degree specialising in international economics and development from Northwestern University. 


ByoungJoo Kim, PhD, Chief Executive Partner, Kim, Lee & Partners


Byoung-Joo Kim is a well-known face and a familiar voice in the Korean expat community. Through Arirang TV, KBS World, TBS-eFM, and other media outlets, he explains Korea’s politics and economy to foreign audiences. For nearly a decade and half, he has been leading his consulting firm, Kim, Lee & Partners (KL&P), advising international businesses interested in the political-economic and policy-regulatory affairs of Korea.
Prior to his career in consulting, Dr. Kim was a diplomat serving Korea's Trade Ministers as the Policy Counsellor and Special Assistant. Prior to that, he spent years in Washington DC as a foreign lobbyist representing Korea’s business and economic interests. During the early part of his career, he also worked at the World Bank as a researcher. He has taught at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and is now a visiting professor at the KDI School of Public Policy & Management. B.J. Kim received his Ph.D. from M.I.T.'s Department of Political Science.




Bryan Harris, Seoul Bureau Chief, Financial Times



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