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제목 [] Wooney Choi's Tea Party & Etiquette Class on 21st May 2023 날짜 2023.05.02 00:22
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 619/17
Dear all,
This tea party & etiquette course is also being proved very popular and we have just a couple of places left!
If you would like to experience this fund and educational event, please sign up now!

Tea Party & Etiquette Course: Sign-Up Form Here

Good morning all,
Just an update on paperwork for KBS. I’m still putting together paper to apply for change of our articles of association to the City. There are more than 10 documents I need to prepare. It also happens that the official in charge is on a sick leave until 7 April, so the application won’t be processed until she gets back.

I also need to to the tax report, the accounting company we used for the past two years is not available anymore, so I need to find another. I’ve called a few but they all have their hands full. I’ll see if I can do it myself, but it’ll take time.

Another thing: ticket prices for the Yooney Choi’s tea party and etiquette are 40,000/50,000, and 10,000 from the non-members’ tickets will be donated to KBS. The rest will go into the food and drinks, and venue rental. Yooney is not charging us extra for her time and effort, she’s donating it.

If we’re happy with this, I’ll send out a poster and announcement on Monday.
Please show a thumb up if you approve, thank you!

KBS Manager
(If you are interested in, please send e-mail to KBS Manager. (kbsmanager@gmail.com) / 관심이 있으신 분은 한영협회 매니저 (kbsmanager@gmail.com) 에 이메일을 보내 주시기 바랍니다.)
230521_Tea Party n Etiquette Class.jpg

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