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제목 [기본] 한영협회 매니저 채용 공고 / KBS Manager Recruitment 날짜 2023.05.04 23:23
글쓴이 김장선 조회 549
Dear KBS members

We are seeking someone to take over the role of KBS Manager. Youngshin has done a fantastic job performing the role for several years and would like to step aside to provide the opportunity to someone else. Thankfully, Youngshin will be staying closely involved with the KBS, continuing her role as a member of the Executive Committee.

If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in taking on the KBS manager role please do get in touch. Further details are below.


The Korea-Britain Society is seeking a part-time Manager, to work from home for the equivalent of 15 hours per week (exact timings flexible), beginning as soon as possible. The salary is KRW 650,000 per month.

The job-holder will:

- Act as the Secretariat for the KBS, organising and minuting Executive Committee meetings
- Manage membership fees and records
- Manage the Society’s accounts and regulatory filings with the relevant authorities, cooperating with accounting and legal service firms
- Organise events, including the annual dinner and regular social events and excursions
- Manage communications with members

The successful candidate will have:

- Strong communication skills in both English and Korean
- Strong organisational skills
- Experience of basic bookkeeping and financial management
- Initiative and the ability to work without close supervision
- Ability to create and maintain strong personal relations with key stakeholders
- Creativity and vision in proposing new directions for the Society
- A proven interest in UK-Korea relations. Experience of living in both countries would be desirable but is not essential.

Interested applicants should send a covering letter setting out their motivation and the skills they will bring to the job, and their CV, in both English and Korean to kbs.manager1@gmail.com, to arrive by Tuesday 16 May. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by members of the Executive Committee.

Kind Regards,

KBS Executive Committee


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