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제목 [] talk on 'British Soldiers in the Battle of Imjin River' / 영국노병의 임진강전투 참전기 날짜 2023.10.06 14:42
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 243/0
Dear KBS Members and Friends,

I would like to send you a final reminder to register for the talk about the crucial British participation in the Korean War at the British Embassy next week. I am forwarding here the link to register for the talk on 'British Soldiers in the Battle of Imjin River'.

[BCCK] Talk: British Soldiers in the Battle of Imjin River - BCCK

KBS has decided to help to develop and improve the Gloucester Memorial Park with more information for visitors and we would thus officially receive the funds from donors in order to give receipts for the construction work.

To learn more, please read the flyer below and join us at the talk at the British Embassy on 29, Aug.

With thanks and best wishes,

Youngjin Hur
글쓴이 비밀번호
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