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제목 [] 한영협회 연말 자선디너 사전등록 / KBS Annual Fundraising Dinner RSVP 날짜 2024.01.15 12:06
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KBS 2023 Christmas | Annual Fundraising Dinner RSVP

Purpose: To celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the UK-Korea Relations and to raise funds for KBS Chevening Scholarship Programme

Hosted by:
British Ambassador to Korea H.E. Colin Crooks and President of KBS Dr. Sunshik Min

Guest Speaker: Prime Minister Han Duck-soo

Date: Wednesday13th of December, 2023
Venue: Conrad Hotel Seoul (Grand Ballroom)
Time: 18:00-22:00


BEK Children's Choir

BEK Teachers' Jazz Band

Classical Opera/Musical Singers with ensemble

Dulwich College Jazz Trio 


Auctions and Raffles:
Exclusive Art Pieces

Tea with British Ambassador

British Designer Goods

Premium Household Appliances

Many more! 


Special Art Exhibition presented by Chung Jin-ho, CEO of Yushimjae (유심재) Collection, featuring:

a Moon Jar and several art works by British artist Banksy

— VIP Corporate Table (10 tickets):  3,000,000 KRW (Including priority table seating, company promotion 

    and official KBS recognition) 

— Members:            180,000 KRW

— Non-Members:    230,000 KRW

— UK Alumni Table (10 tickets): 1,400,000 KRW (No individual registration)


Please make your payment at the time of registration online to secure your place.

Registration will close at 13:00pm Thursday 30 November, 2023 after which no refund will be made. 
Please make a payment to:
    Name: Korea Britain Society (
사단법인 한영협회) / KEB Hana bank
    Account Number: 137-910011-94105

* Please note that your registration will only be complete when your payment is made. 

* Please let the KBS manager know once you have transferred your fees. 

e: To celebrate the 140th Anniversary of the UK-Korea Relations and to raise funds for KBS Chevening Scholarship Programme

Hosted by:
British Ambassador to Korea H.E. Colin Crooks and President of KBS Dr. Sunshik Min

Guest Speaker: Prime Minister Han Duck-soo

Date: Wednesday13th of December, 2023
Venue: Conrad Hotel Seoul (Grand Ballroom)
Time: 18:00-22:00


BEK Children's Choir

BEK Teachers' Jazz Band

Classical Opera/Musical Singers with ensemble

Dulwich College Jazz Trio 


Auctions and Raffles:
Exclusive Art Pieces

Tea with British Ambassador

British Designer Goods

Premium Household Appliances

Many more! 


Special Art Exhibition presented by Chung Jin-ho, CEO of Yushimjae (유심재) Collection, featuring:

a Moon Jar and several art works by British artist Banksy

— VIP Corporate Table (10 tickets):  3,000,000 KRW (Including priority table seating, company promotion 

    and official KBS recognition) 

— Members:            180,000 KRW

— Non-Members:    230,000 KRW

— UK Alumni Table (10 tickets): 1,400,000 KRW (No individual registration)


Please make your payment at the time of registration online to secure your place.

Registration will close at 13:00pm Thursday 30 November, 2023 after which no refund will be made. 
Please make a payment to:
    Name: Korea Britain Society (
사단법인 한영협회) / KEB Hana bank
    Account Number: 137-910011-94105

* Please note that your registration will only be complete when your payment is made. 

* Please let the KBS manager know once you have transferred your fees. 

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* 600자 제한입니다. 등록
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