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제목 [] 한영협회 총회 (KBS Annual General Meeting 2024 + Networking Dinner RSVP) 날짜 2024.03.04 19:44
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 148/0

Dear All, 


Happy Monday! I hope you are well and had a pleasant weekend. :)


Thank you for letting me know your availability for our Ex-Co meeting this week and for the AGM 2024 RSVP Form feedback.
The draft agenda for the AGM/Dinner will be discussed during the meeting but for now, please find as follows the link to an amended draft of the registration form for your review: 




Whether or not you are able to attend the Ex-Co meeting, it would be very much appreciated if you could test out this form before Wednesday (Ex-Co only - please do not distribute this to others as it is still a draft).

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback on this and in the meantime have a great start to the week!

Kind Regards, 
Cassandra (KBS AGM Organizer)

파일첨부 :
1. KBS AGM 2024.JPG 다운받기 다운로드횟수[79]
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