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제목 [] Battlefield Tour and Fundrasier: Imjin River / 임진각 영국군 전적지 방문 날짜 2024.05.04 18:11
글쓴이 김장선 조회/추천 69/0


As the British Korean War Memorial Committee, supported by the British Embassy, BCCK and Korean British Society (KBS) initiate a project to raise funds to (1) install memorial signage at the Gloster Hill Memorial Park in Paju, and (2) to create a QR-coded virtual tour of the Imjin River battlefield, we invite you to join a bespoke battlefield tour on Saturday 4 November of the 1951 killing grounds.

The Battle
In the Imjin Valley, for three nights of battle, the UK’s 29th Brigade hold off China’s 63rd Army. Despite the traumas of close-range, midnight combat against China’s “human wave,” the brigade held the line from April 22-25. The cost was terrible: To this day, Imjin remains the bloodiest battle fought by British forces since World War II.

The Tour
Our day will take in all key battle locations. The drama of now-legendary events will be conveyed as we stand on the spots where:

  • Sixteen men held off the spearhead of a 12,000 man force for three vital hours;
  • A young officer won the VC at the cost of his life (and hear why he may have acted as he did);
  • Artillery, using Napoleonic-era tactics, fired over open sights at Chinese storming their battery;
  • A commanding officer was killed (and hear why he was at the point of maximum risk, rather than at HQ)
  • Centurion tanks charged through massed enemy in a down-valley death ride;
  • The “Glorious Gloster” made their last, back-to-back stand.

A Rare Opportunity

Our tour guide is journalist and historian Andrew Salmon, author of the most detailed book on the battle, “To the Last Round.”

This tour is usually offered to serving military – including the “Arctic Wolves” (US Army); the Royal Marine Commandos; the Scots Guards; Special Operations Command Korea - and senior officers – including the Chief of Staff of the British Army; the Commander of the US 7th Air Force; and the Deputy Commander of US Forces Korea.

Please Note

  • Some hill walking is required, so please wear sound footwear.
  • Some of the 1951 positions are still fortified positions of the ROK Army south of the DMZ, so subdued clothing is advised.
  • Due to the graphic nature of the some of the descriptions, this tour is not suitable for small children.

Details and RSVP
Day: Saturday, November 4
Timings: Bus leaves UK Embassy at 09:00. Returns to UK Embassy at 18:00-19:00 (depending on traffic)
Cost: KRW100,000 per person (includes travel and lunch)
Lunch: Korean BBQ is included
RSVP: kbs.manager1@gmail.com
Availability: If interested, please RSVP ASAP. Due to bus seatings, can only take the first 35 persons who register.

Please send your payment for the event using the bank information below.

  • Bank Number: 137-910011-94105
  • Bank Name: Hana Bank
  • Bank Account Owner: 사단법인 한영협회


김장선 (2024.05.04 18:13)
이미 지난 행사(2023년 11월)이나, 행사 정보 공유를 위해서 이전 호스팅 시스템에서 새 시스템으로 옮겨 옵니다.
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